


Bright is 9 years old and in Primary 4. His favorite color is blue, he likes to play soccer and he has dreams to become a police officer sometime in the future.

Bright is delighted to have a school sponsor who supports his schooling costs.

Bright is still looking for a family sponsor.

He is one of 4 children and lives with mother and father, who are farmers and earn very little. The family currently are sleeping on the ground and their house is unfinished. Sponsoring Bright’s family would allow them to buy bunk beds and mosquito nets for their children.

To sponsor Bright’s family costs for £18/month, select “Family Sponsorship” from the dropdown below.

If you would like to sponsor Bright, we would also love your help to get his house finished! The cost for this is an estimated £5,000. Maybe you have a good fundraiser that you would like to run for Bright and his family?

Sponsor Me!